ClassBank English Bradford Corpus

Angela Bradford Wainwright
Department of Languages and Communication Disorders
University of the District of Columbia


Participants: 7
Type of Study: interview
Location: USA
Media type: audio
DOI: doi:10.21415/T5QW29

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Project Description

These 7 audio samples and transcripts were gathered from a larger normative study of 4th and 5th grade African-American children (n=58) answering questions regarding cultural literacy using the Test of Core Knowledge (Bradford & Harris, 2000). The article derived from the data is entitled "Cultural Knowledge in African American Children” (

The interview protocol asked the children to tell everything they knew about these topics:

Christopher Columbus, Pilgrims, George Washington, the Declaration of Independence, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, the Civil War, the Constitution of the United States, John F. Kennedy, the atomic bomb, the Industrial Revolution, Martin Luther King, Jr., the slave trade, the Civil Rights Movement, Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglas, the NAACP, Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, the Ku Klux Klan, the Montgomery bus boycott, Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, an orchestra, The Little House on the Prairie, The Wizard of Oz, Pinocchio, Elvis Presley, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, ballet, jazz, Maya Angelou, the Blues, Michael Jackson, B. B. King, Motown, Roots, the saga of the American family, Aretha Franklin, Sammy Davis, Jr., The Color Purple, Bill Clinton, Elian Gonzalez, the Columbine shooting, the Oklahoma city bombing, Princess Diana, Al Gore, the Jonbenet Ramsey case, Steven Spielberg, John F. Kennedy, Jr., Mother Teresa, Bill Cosby, Whitney Houston, Jesse Jackson, Michael Jordan, Rodney King, the Million Man March, Moesha, Spike Lee, Ebonics, O. J. Simpson.

#14 - DOB 02/17/89, age 12 at data collection, female

#15 - DOB 11/21/88, age 12 at data collection, female, starts with Pilgrims

#16 - DOB 02/10/89, age 12 at data collection, male, starts with Pilgrims

#17 - DOB 03/11/89, age 12 at data collection, male, starts with Princess Diana

#18 - DOB 08/08/89, age 11 at data collection, female, starts with Pilgrims

#19 - DOB 01/17/89, age 12 at data collection, male, starts with Pilgrims

#20 - DOB 08/15/89, age 11 at data collection, female, starts with Pilgrims